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Tuesday 24 September 2013

Windows 8 Support by Infotechline

Windows 8 Support

Windows 8 is the latest released operating system by Microsoft. It is most commonly used in houses and it is believed that is being released for personal computers. Windows 8 is the most improved version of Microsoft Windows. Microsoft has been delivering the best service to the mankind and hence the people across the world have switched to Windows 8. Windows 8 does not have any compatible issues like Windows Vista. It has been designed by keeping in mind the user interface and compatibility issues. The compatibility issues found in Vista are very less in this version. This awesome operating system was made available to the people on October 26, 2012, which day is remembered as a revolutionary change in the field of IT. There are some great features included in Windows 8 and with the addition of new features, Windows 8 has become one of the best operating systems use by the people.

Some of the most common errors with Microsoft Windows 8 are: 

·  Windows 8 Installation
·  Windows 8 Version Upgrades
·  Upgrading Driver Compatibility/Updates/Installation
·  Blue Screen of Death
·  Non-responding Programs
·  Windows Firewall Issues
·  Activation and Browsing Issues

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